William Lam owns and operates “Wrestling with Life,” a business
and coaching consultancy through which he helps individuals and
organizations succeed. Bill received his bachelor’s degree from
the University of Oklahoma, earning his master’s degree in counseling
and guidance and a master’s in psychology. A member of OU’s national championship
team, he went on to set a team record for most victories.
As head coach for 30 years at the University of North Carolina, Bill Lam became the
‘winningest’ wrestling coach in the history of the Atlantic Coast Conference. He was
honored as national coach of the year and was named National Man of the Year
among college wrestling coaches.
Lam’s coaching years served as the foundation for his consulting career, in which he
provides programs to help managers, executives and CEOs for businesses large and
small. His Principles of Success workshops, seminars and programs include sales
performance, skill building, team building and evaluation. Headquartered in Brighton,
Michigan, Lam serves as a Board Member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, of
which he is a member.