Troy “Turbo” Spring, President of Dealer World, is best known for
breaking records and innovations in the direct mail business. His
no gift, no gimmick “Hyper Mail” hits like OverstockedCarLots.
com, iWantANewCar.TV, and HalfPricedCars.com have done just
that over and over again. While most direct mail companies hide
behind the traffic of gifts, Troy’s passion for providing value led him to develop themes
and events that held Dealer World accountable to traffic that consist of only buyers. He
has been quoted as saying, “No turkeys, no basketballs, no keys, no socket wrench
sets, and no Wal-Mart gift cards. My job is to put people on your lot who want to buy
cars. If I cannot do that, than you do not need me.”
With more than 20 years in direct mail and consulting, he has performed more than
650 direct mail events, personally ran over 500 of them (himself, no teams) from
start to finish and closed more than 10,000 car deals personally. Now consulting for
dealers and other outside businesses using the same go-big-or-go-home principles,
he has been able to increase profits dramatically at every business he has “touched.”
For this reason, along with his energy and focus, he was nicknamed “Turbo” by his
friends and co-workers. He is now completing his first book “Turbo Charge Your
Life,” explaining his systems and beliefs on what earned him that nickname. With his
extensive direct mail and radio experience, he speaks on how traditional media is still
viable and provides the best ROI. He can and will show you how to maximize your
returns with it and how he used his formula to break records at every store he ran or
consulted for in the past 20 years.
Should you have any comments or questions, feel free to reach out to Troy Spring at
[email protected].