Trish McCarty

Ms. McCarty came into the world with a global view; born in Frankfurt, Germany, as a U.S. Air Force military “brat” and as a child in Tokyo, Japan, where she served on the United Nations Board of Children. She attended Fort Lewis College, in her family’s home town of Durango, Colorado with a human biology and neuroscience major and was recruited from there as an executive for AT&T. After five years, she was recruited by the President of Mellon Bank to develop national banking centers. An avid entrepreneur, she subsequently started a bank that grew to $128M in five years and won awards and highlights in national news including INC. Magazine.
Her company opened her first charity charter school, STARSHINE ACADEMY.
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS, in the fall of 2002, for K-12 disadvantaged children, on a crime-ridden street in Arizona. The highly acclaimed academic “School Eco-Village” is a replicable model for success based on the holistic education of a child in health, wealth, happiness, body, mind, and spirit. It integrates the environment and personal health with a community garden and the spirit with music, art and technology. All of the children participate in community service projects integrated into the curriculum to learn economic development and patriotism. She has created partnerships with the United Nations by hosting 11 Days of Peace and Sustainability each year from 9-11 to 9-21. The school prototype model integrates the best practices for human growth and spiritual transformation, Human resources management, sustainability, professional development, data collection and business management. Ms. McCarty is a Lincoln Center Fellow for Arizona State University for Education Leadership and is a partner at ASU Skysong Innovation Center. Yoga is an integral part of the StarShine student curriculum as Ms. McCarty has studied and taught yoga for nearly thirty years.
Trish McCarty is a constant community activist for peace, women in global leadership, and child advocacy. She is married to guitarist and platinum recording artist, Steve McCarty. She has four children and eight grandchildren. Steve and Trish frequently combine their talents in workshops and lectures to spread their message of empowerment, love, harmony, and unity.
To contact Trish McCarty:
[email protected]