What started out as a small sideline cassette duplicating business for one customer quickly grew when Jeff and Chris McMannis, owners of McMannis Duplication and Fulfillment, hired Tony Wedel to take their business to the next level.
Tony Wedel, General Manager of McMannis Duplication and Fulfillment, implemented an extensive plan of rapid growth and expansion. Utilizing his experience as a Corporate Manager for one of the largest privately held companies in the world, he has guided McMannis Duplication and Fulfillment, Inc. and developed it to what it is today. Over the last 10 years, the business has grown to over 175 customers in 5 countries.
Tony has introduced several services in addition to media duplication services that initially founded the company. These additional services include direct mail, product fulfillment, full service printing, special customization, lumpy mail and other related services.
Tony is clearly the expert when it comes to understanding business philosophy and marketing his own business. And, with over 175 customers, he has the unique opportunity to see what other leading edge marketers are doing in their businesses.
If you are looking for a company to deliver the tangibles in your marketing funnel, contact Tony and the great staff at McMannis Duplication and Fulfillment, Inc.