After coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs over the last 16 years,
Tommy Lee is proud to launch his Black Belt Peak Performance
Business Program globally in 2012, which will be accompanied by
an elite mastermind series unlike any other in the industry. He will
be appearing on the Brian Tracy Show featured on NBC and CBS
and has been recognized in USA Today as one of America’s emerging business leaders.
He also will have work published in two books in addition to this one in 2012:
Black Belt Selling: How to Sell with Respect and Integrity and Still Get The Knockout
and one co-authored with Jack Canfield (author of Chicken Soup for the Soul).
You can learn more about Tommy Lee and his programs at www.TommyLeeInternational.
com. If you visit the website, you can use the code “Black Belt Success”
to receive your free copy of “7 Steps to Become a Black Belt in Business.” You took
action by reading this chapter, so this is your reward.