A financial professional since 1991, Steve Hansen founded Altitude Planning Group – intent upon providing the personalized financial services retirees and pre-retirees need to achieve the retirement they envision. He emphasizes personalized service, because all of his clients have different financial goals and are
best served by strategies customized for each client’s unique needs.
Steve’s ability to help his clients derives from extensive education and the kind of in- depth knowledge that comes from over 20 years of financial services experience. His passion for assisting people stems from what happened to his wife’s grandmother. Because of inadequate planning, she became destitute after losing her husband and died penniless after her assets were spent down due to Medicaid.
Steve’s mission is to help others avoid that nightmare. “We strive to offer financial solutions that can help you manage risk while growing and protecting your retirement assets,” he says. “Altitude Planning Group’s philosophy is preservation of wealth, both in the accumulation and distribution stages of wealth planning. We provide our clients a clear road map as to how to achieve their individual financial goals.”
Due to his advice and services, Steve has been named a Five Star: Best in Client Satisfaction Wealth Manager, as seen in 5280 and Denver Biz magazines. An even greater tribute to him is his loyal clientele, which continues to grow – thanks to his clients’ referrals.