Steve Grzymkowski was born in the small town of Manchester, Connecticut. In 1983, at the age of 16, his father’s job promotion relocated the family to Pennsylvania. Distraught over being uprooted, he confided in a girl he met at the school bus stop. She too moved into the neighborhood a year prior under similar circumstances. Over the final 2 years of high school, they shared stories, found comfort in each other, and became good friends. A few months after graduating high school they began dating.
Steve Grzymkowski now lives in beautiful Bucks County, Pennsylvania with the girl from the bus stop … his lovely wife Christine, who not only happens to be his high school love, but also his very best friend. Together, they have four wonderful children, Emma, Evan, Olivia and Sophie.
Steve is first and foremost a family man, as you can see, but he is also a self-made man with a solid sales and marketing background. He has escalated through the ranks to the top of his field, winning numerous awards within his industry. Steve gets noticed, not only because of his likeable personality and wonderful sense of humor, but also for his smarts in the real, common-sense business world. Exclusive Think Tank organizations have taken notice of Steve’s talents and have asked for his involvement on various high-level projects. You may actually know of Steve through his various publications on Marriage and Parenting, being somewhat of an authority on family and marital matters.
Steve’s interest in Physiological exercises has brought him to where he is today. Only scratching the surface of potent sleep methods in his now out of print book “3 Secrets to Sound Sleep”, Steve set out to discover the lost secrets of the Magi. And he unearthed a treasure trove; a system of exercises with the power to relax and induce sleep.
To learn more about Steve Grzymkowski and the “NEW 3 Secrets to Sound Sleep Program” please visit: www.thesecrettosoundsleep.com
To learn more about Steve’s publications on Marriage and Parenting please visit: www.thefamilyaffect.com