Simone Hoa is a well-known inspirational speaker, a fast-growth
business strategist, trainer and coach in business and personal development
producing rapid, concrete results with her company Passion
2 Success Inc. How she became an inspirational speaker at the
sunset of her life is a dramatic and compelling story worth telling.
Simone is Vietnamese and has a long career track behind her. Even though she lost
her father when she was only 5, Simone is a world-wise businesswoman who has
traveled the world, experienced four cultures and lived in three countries: Vietnam
until the age of 19 where she completed her Baccalaureate in French; Australia
where she won a scholarship to complete her university studies with three degrees in
economics, education and library sciences and lived there for 18 years; and Canada
where she migrated to join her mother and two sisters in 1985. In Montreal, she was
an entrepreneur in the fashion industry (her passion at the time) but suffered a huge
financial loss instigated by a deceptive partner who caused the demise of her business
in 2004, resulting in the closing of her company. After five years of painful reconnecting
and searching for her real identity through intense self-education in personal
development, a course with Dale Carnegie and a strong involvement with Toastmasters
International, she discovered her new passion in the art of public speaking. She
then decided to take on a new, most challenging career at the age of 63 to become
an inspirational speaker to use her voice to inspire and help people across the world
to discover and have the courage to live their true passion and potential to achieve
success and live the life of their dream.
Realizing also the power of written words, Simone envisions leaving a heritage behind
with her books: she is proud to be a contributing author to four books to be
published in the U.S. with celebrities such as Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Ken
Blanchard, Dr. Warren Bennis, former U.S. Senator George Mitchell and this future
bestseller with Brian Tracy.
Simone is also the author of her own book to be published in 2012 titled “Success
Has No Age: You Are Never too Young or too Old to Live your Passion.”
Her fast success earned her the 2010 BEST GROWTH Trophy from The Montreal Leaders
Boomers Entrepreneurs within her first year being a speaker, and her workshops
at Toastmasters International Regional Conferences and Toastmasters International
Leadership Institute are very well-loved. She is also a lifetime member of Worldwide
Who’s Who and was just named its 2012 Executive, Professional and Entrepreneur of
the Year in Motivational Speaking.
Vision, Passion, Excellence: The Three Most Essential Ingredients to the Recipe of Success
To learn more about Simone Hoa, the services offered by Passion 2 Success Inc., and
how to get your free MP3 audio and chapter from her book, “Passion to Success:
Secrets for Making Money Doing What You Love,” visit www.passion2success.com
or call 514-777-9785.