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Serena Reep, Ph. D., PMP

Dr. Serena Reep is the President of Transformational Communications. She is an Ex-College Professor, communication and relationship management coach, corporate project management trainer, author and motivational speaker. She considers herself a socialentrepreneur and likes to promote social causes in all her ventures. Serena Reep received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology. Her specialization is Social Structure and Personality. She also holds an active PMP (Project Management Professional) certification. She frequently speaks on best practices in communication for successful project management as well as successful interpersonal relationship management. She spent eight years as a Professor at Rutgers University, and has been a consultant in the corporate world for almost two decades. She has worked as a contractor/consultant for clients ranging from private corporations such as CA, NCS and IBM to government agencies such as the DOE, CMS and FDIC. Dr. Serena has been seen on NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox affiliates. She is an Expert Blogger for Fast Company and the Huffington Post. Her book Work-Life Balance is DEAD! is a very thought-provoking and paradigm-shifting manifesto on living an authentic life, unfettered by the weight of outmoded constructs about balancing work and life. She also sounds a wake-up call to the corporations on the effectiveness of the worklife balance perks they provide and offers a fresh perspective on increasing their ROI. Serena’s current mission is to raise “One Million $ in One Year” for charities. To learn more about this project or to contact Dr. Serena Reep for your speaking or training needs, please visit http://www.serenasez.com.