Rachel Cosgrove is the best selling author of The Female Body Breakthrough (published by Rodale November 2009) and is a fitness professional who specializes in getting women of all ages into the best shape of their lives. She owns and operates Results Fitness with her husband in southern California. She has a BS in Exercises Physiology and earned her CSCS from the National Strength and Conditioning Association. She has competed in fitness competitions, is an Ironman triathlete and has set a powerlifting record. She has her own column in Women’s Health Magazine and has also been featured in More Magazine, Real Simple, Muscle and Fitness Hers, Shape Magazine, Fitness Magazine, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness and Oxygen. She has also had TV appearances on Fox, ABC and WGN. She is on a mission to help as many women make a breakthrough as she can. For more information on Rachel visit: www.rachelcosgrove.com. And for more information on her book and belonging to her community of Fit Females go to: www.thefemalebodybreakthrough.com.