Pinny Ziegler started his sales career in 2002, focusing on
honesty and dedication for his clients. The current situation
in sales, including from a lack of knowledge by a
salesperson to a lack of respect for the consumer, hurt
Pinny in such a way that he spent countless hours with the best coaches in
the business.
He was consumed with becoming a salesman who could connect with any
type of customer and build a pure relationship on a foundation of trust and
mutual respect. His customer’s happiness is just as important, if not more
important, than his.
More than 10 years after he started in sales, Pinny still consults with coaches
and stays current on new techniques that can help him make a real connection.
He believes the sale doesn’t end when money is exchanged but, in
fact, it’s just the beginning.
His passion to inspire people to reach their goals led him to found a support
group Focus To Succeed for small business and salesmen based on the
foundations needed to succeed - Focus, Creativity and Accountability.
Pinny lives in his hometown of Brooklyn, New York with his beautiful and
loving wife Fagie and their children. His goal is to raise happy, confident and
caring individuals to someday enter the workforce and make the same type
of meaningful contributions to the community.
“With honesty and integrity, I will do whatever it takes to
get the job done right.” – PZ