Phil Williams puts to work his forty years of experience
in customer service and sales every day at PCLC, Inc.,
a boutique brokerage specializing in apartment buildings
sales in the San Francisco Bay Area. Utilizing his extensive
background in managing and leading large-scale sales operations, Phil also
spearheaded PCLC’s call center strategy.
Born and raised in San Leandro, Phil’s family has owned apartment buildings
in the area for over four generations, dating back to the early settling of
the East Bay. Over the years, Phil has become an expert on the history and
unique facets of this city as well as its neighboring municipalities.
Phil attended Chabot Junior College, the College of San Mateo, and California
State College at Hayward and is a licensed Real Estate Agent. He is also
president of the Homeowners Association, a member of the California State
Horsemen’s Association Scholarship Committee and the USGA, and also acts
as an Ambassador for the California Transplant Donor Network, which involves
speaking to groups and educating them on organ donations. In addition,
Phil is dedicated to his role as a member of the San Leandro Boys and
Girls Club Board of Directors, which encourages young people to graduate
from high school, become model citizens and give back to the community.
Phil describes himself as being “in a world of women,” as he and his wife
have three daughters and two granddaughters. The couple also has two
adopted dogs, both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Horseback riding, golf
and reading are some of Phil’s favorite pastimes.