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Peter Neufeldt

Peter Neufeldt was born and raised on a farm in Saskatchewan, Canada where he learned the importance of community involvement, personal accountability and strong adaptation skills. Applying these fundamentals has helped him to thrive in the business world and to help others do the very same. His Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan and the Master of Social Work degree from the University of British Columbia have enabled Peter to learn and develop the skills of helping people change and grow in positive ways. He has done this in a diversity of environments such as working within the prison system and developing programs that resulted in many changed lives, to working with entrepreneurs and leaders to help them grow their businesses and their organizations. He has coached, counselled and provided training for many organizations and businesses to help them prosper and grow. Becoming President of Peak Performance Consulting in 2000 helped Peter to take his business to the next level of service. Through his company he reaches out to business and organizational leaders to coach and assist them in organizational change management, assessing/improving organizational and business processes, corporate visioning and strategic planning, training and development, team effectiveness, and leadership development. The phrase “Success is a journey, not a destination” and the words “Explore... Discover ... Learn ... Grow” summarize Peter’s vision for service and describe his commitment to personal growth and development. He is committed to helping individuals and organizations achieve significant and sustained improvement in performance. He has been a member of Rotary International for thirty six years, enjoys volunteering through both Rotary and his church and is a feature writer for the Saskatchewan Business and Industry magazine. Peter strives to make his workshops enjoyable, interactive, and delivered in a manner that will achieve lasting results. He does this by using a combination of facilitator presentations, videos, group discussions, and exercises that provide a fast-paced and interesting learning environment for all participants. Most of Peter’s work is in Canada, however, he enjoys cultural diversity and was pleased to be contracted by SAP Canada, developer of international business systems software, to co-ordinate and lead a team of technical resource people at the SAP headquarters in Germany. With this team he provided selected sales forces with new perspectives and skills to stimulate business growth. This intensive workshop series was attended by representatives of most of the European countries, Australia, South Africa and several Asian countries. Evidence of the success of these workshops was seen in the increased business successes of the participants. Peter’s 25 years of consulting, coaching and training in the local, national and international arenas have provided him with the depth of knowledge and skills that make him a sought-after advisor, coach and confidant in personal and professional development. Peter is appreciated for his insights into leadership, his effective communication skills, and his understanding of human behavior. His legacy goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of people he has the privilege of working and sharing time with. He is an inspiring role model to his family, friends and colleagues. Peter resides in Regina, Canada with his wife Janet. They have two children and four grandchildren. You can connect with Peter at: [email protected] Peak Performance Consulting: www.peakperformanceconsulting.ca