Owen Wollum helps owners of small to medium-sized businesses and non-profit organizations leverage their technology to grow their companies and make them more profitable. He is the founder and CEO of Dependable IT Support which abides by the philosophy that technology is simply a tool to help an organization, and should
not be the focus (unless your company is a technology company, of course). The less you have to worry about the technology that enables your processes, the more you can focus on whatever it is that makes your organization great.
Owen has never been published prior to this book (unless you count articles in his high school newspaper!) but has taught computer classes for many years, and enjoys providing easy-to-understand examples and analogies to help people quickly grasp complex topics.
Owen has worked with technology companies since the dawn of the microcomputer age in a variety of roles from consultant, strategic and financial advisor and “virtual IT director,” to programmer, database guru, teacher, and security analyst. He is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, and enjoys hiking and sailing.