Njeru Nthigah is President of THE LEADERS UNIVERSITY, a company that specializes in transformational leadership development, personal leadership training, communication and professional coaching.
He works with organizations to improve their top and bottom line results through customized leadership development workshops, seminars, lunch-n-learns and masterminds.
Njeru is a dedicated student of success, human potential and personal leadership. His learning journey has exposed him to countless leadership training conferences with the world’s finest and brightest experts. He is a Founder Member, Speaker, Coach and Trainer of THE JOHN C MAXWELL TEAM.
Njeru is a keynote speaker who inspires, motivates and entertains his audiences. He speaks on topics related to transformational leadership, personal leadership and effective communication. He has had the opportunity to share the stage with numerous giants in the speaking industry and most notably with his mentor - John C Maxwell.
Njeru is passionate about empowering individuals to find their purpose in life, set clear and compelling goals, taking decisive action so that they can grow to their maximum potential leading to greater personal and professional success.
To learn more about Njeru Nthigah and The Leadership University – visit www.njerunthigah.com