Nita Scoggan
Nita Scoggan is a national keynote, seminar and international
conference speaker. She’s the award-winning author of 17 books,
professional member of the National Speakers Association,
respected adjunct professor and business owner. With enthusiasm
and humor she relates success principles learned in her 25-year
career as a research analyst and illustrator at the Pentagon. In 2004, Nita was
appointed President of the Advisory Board for Oakland City University-Bedford,
Indiana. As a member of the OCUB faculty, she teaches business and liberal arts
courses. A frequent television guest on national and Canadian programs, Nita stresses
the value of education in order to be more successful.
From 1973-1993, Nita gave her lunchtime to God by teaching daily prayer and Bible
classes at the Pentagon. Her ministry is credentialed by the Department of Defense
Armed Forces Chaplaincy Board. In 1984, Nita was invited to the White House to
conduct weekly ministry to the White House staffers. For almost 15 years, from
Presidents Reagan to Clinton, teaching focused on prayer, believing in faith and being
doers of the Word.
Nita Scoggan is a remarkable woman of faith. Born at her grandmother’s home, a
2-pound preemie at birth, the doctor declared she had “no chance to live.” But live
she did! Placed in a shoebox, fed with an eyedropper—without medical air—her
survival was a miracle. She overcame health problems and poverty, giving God the
credit for it all. “I believe in miracles! I’ve seen them, in answer to prayer. I know God
can do anything, so I love to pray,” says Nita. Her driving force is to uplift, encourage
and empower others to achieve their maximum potential in life. Her motto is “Never
give up your dreams—pursue them with patience and persistence.”
Nita Scoggan
Maximum Zone Consulting
P.O. Box 2125
Bedford, IN 47421-7125
Email: [email protected]
To schedule Nita to speak, call (812) 278-8785.