Mike Sbonik is known as a “fitness aficionado.” He’s the guy that demonstrates that you can look and feel half your age.
Mike spent his formative years working on the family farm in WI where he experienced first-hand the Midwest work ethic.
Since he weighed less than 100 pounds in high school, he found his niche in wrestling and cross-country running, and found that competition drove Mike to “always do the best you can.”
He pursued his dream of being a martial artist in college. Then over the span of 20 years learned many martial arts systems to round out his combat experience; Tae Kwon Do, Pa Kua Chung kung fu, Hwa Rung Do, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, American boxing, Muy Thai kickboxing, Lima Lama, and Eskrima.
His Muy Thai experience culminated in a modified rules match at the age of 39 when his opponent was 22. Mike focuses on proper working out methods, especially the ‘as you age’ philosophy, and you can still find him competing in local 5k races.
Mike is a top black belt trainer in Kung Ling Kung Fu™, where he was chosen to represent this reality self-defense system to the world and is a volunteer board member for the local YMCA where he can be found living his “fitness aficionado” lifestyle.
Mike Sbonik’s training techniques are all about natural strength and endurance fitness, by working out to be able to protect your family at any moment. He lives this philosophy every day.
To learn more about Mike Sbonik and how you can receive free fitness reports, visit the exclusive kung fu site: www.kunglingkungfu.com and sign up for free Master Tips e-newsletter today.