Michael A. (Mike) Conduff is the President and CEO of The Elim
Group – Your Governance Experts, a governance, leadership,
speaking and consulting firm. Mike has 35+ years of leadership,
management and governance experience, having served as the
City Manager of four different University communities in the United States.
Mike earned his B.S. in civil engineering at the University of New Hampshire, graduating
Cum Laude. His M.B.A. is from Pittsburg State University. He is also a charter
graduate of the Carver Policy Governance® Academy and is a Past Chair of the Board
of Directors of the International Policy Governance® Association. Mike has a number
of national not-for-profit, for-profit and local government clients.
Mike is the widely respected author of several books, including Democracy at the
Doorstep – True Stories from the Green Berets of Public Administrators, Bottom Line
Green – How America’s Cities are Saving the Planet (And Money Too!), The OnTarget
Board Member – 8 Indisputable Behaviors, now in its second edition, and The Policy
Governance® Fieldbook, a book on the practical applications of Policy Governance.
He writes a regular column in the internationally distributed Public Manager magazine,
and is a much sought after and frequent keynote speaker at national and international
events, where he regularly receives “best of the conference” accolades from attendees
and conference planners.
Mike is a Fellow of the prestigious National Academy of Public Administration. He has
been honored with the 2006 TCMA Mentoring Award in memory of Gary Gwyn, the
2004 International Award for Career Development in Memory of L. P. (Perry) Cookingham
from ICMA, and the especially meaningful Joy Sansom Mentor Award from the
Urban Management Assistants of North Texas for his commitment to helping others
achieve their potential. The Center for Digital Government awarded Mike their coveted
“Best of Texas Visionary Award.”
A fourth generation Native American, Mike grew up on stories of his Cherokee ancestry,
and attributes his love of motivational speaking and telling stories to his grandmothers.
He is a Past President of both the Texas City Management Association and
Kansas City Management Association. He was one of the original cohort of fully credentialed
members of the International City/County Management Association, and is
a past member of its Executive Board.
To learn more about Mike or to engage him for your corporate or non-profit event, call
The Elim Group at 940-382-3945 or visit: www.TheElimGroup.com.