Meg Filip is like a whirlwind of fresh ideas.
She is a much sought-after international leadership consultant. She
specializes in working with leaders and their teams to build organization-
wide high-performance coaching cultures. Her techniques
have helped thousands of leaders gain clarity on how to create energized teams and
build leadership capability throughout their organization.
Now a successful entrepreneur, author and executive coach, she draws on her own
personal experiences and those of other highly successful (and down-to-earth) leaders,
to inspire, challenge and transform organizations around the world.
Meg brings to the table over 18 years experience in strategic business and leadership
development. She holds a Diploma of Workplace Coaching and Certificate IV in Assessment
and Workplace Training; she is a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(NLP) and is an Accredited Professional Coach.
She lives in Australia, is a Graduate of The Australian Institute of Company Directors,
and is ready to work with you to build your own high-performing coaching culture.
To learn more about Meg Filip and to receive your free 5-module-training-program “The
5 Essential Mindset Strategies of Successful Leaders” visit: www.megfilip.com