Mat Dewing is the owner, and CEO/President of ProCare Physical,
which is an amalgamation of two companies: ProCare Physical
Therapy, and ProCare Physical Fitness & Performance. Mat received
his Masters degree in physical therapy from Ithaca College
in 1995. He is a licensed Physical Therapist and licensed
Certified Athletic Trainer in Pennsylvania. His passion lies in coaching individuals into
life-changing personal success.
Mat excels in applying the art and science of coaching to various arenas, including life
coaching, especially in the area of leadership and managerial excellence, rehabilitation,
fitness training, athletic performance, and injury prevention. While coaching others
is Mat’s passion, he has varied interests and pursuits, which include the operation
of his real estate companies, Healthy Properties, Inc. and Dewings Management, LLC,
and filling the CEO function of a national consulting company called PT Compliance
Group, LLC, which helps owners of physical therapy companies take their personal
integrity and infuse it practically throughout their organization.
People trust Mat quickly because he doesn’t judge them, and he finds it natural to
see things from their perspective. Mat is a highly responsible person, and totally
transparent. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Janice, and together they
home school their seven rambunctious children on a small country farm in Bradford
County, Pennsylvania.
Mat thrives on the notion that many people in life rely on him, and he is intensely
loyal, cultivating many life-long friendships.