Marco Kozlowski
Marco Kozlowski is considered to be one of the world’s
leading experts on delegation and systems process engineering.
He is currently an owner in a wide variety of
successful companies. From his work with holistic centers
and cancer research facilities to private business
consulting to recording companies, Marco’s methodology has delivered
proven results. His business success began in the niche market of luxury
real estate, where he built a multi-million-dollar company from scratch and
without start-up capital. Marco then leveraged the knowledge he obtained
to systematize and solidify the business process system that he teaches to
business owners across the globe today.
WTF!: A title as bold as Marco.
Wealth: The Formula teaches business owners how to structure their businesses
in a way that maximizes profit and compensation for the business
owner and every single member of the team. WTF is Marco’s codified and
proven system for building wealth in any business or industry. This is the same
formula that he developed himself and used to build 12 multi-million-dollar
companies, companies with only a few employees or none whatsoever.
That’s right! In the vein of Sir Richard Branson, Marco has mastered the art
of delegation. His delegation methodology allows him to spend more time
doing what he loves to do: HELPING OTHERS! His businesses run effectively
and efficiently, while he is able to live a life that he is passionate about.
Marco, who entered adulthood as a struggling musician, and the father of
four children, is now known to audiences and media outlets alike as “The
Top Powerful Speaker in the World.” Marco uses his speaking talents to educate
other business owners on the absolute best methodology for optimizing
the profits of all involved parties. The formula for wealth has been identified
and tested. His revolutionary system allows other business owners to create
the same stability and success he has experienced.