Loulie Key Scharf was born and raised in Columbus, Georgia and
currently resides in Wilmington, North Carolina, with her husband,
two children and nine rescued animals. Besides her top role as
mother and wife, Scharf is a writer, artist, art teacher, environmentalist,
animal rescuer and animal advocate.
Loulie has studied positive living and personal development for 20 years. A self-professed
“workshop junkie,” Loulie has participated in dozens of intensive workshops,
including The Hippocrates Health Institute, The Painting Experience, SARK, The Feng
Shui Institute of America, You Can Heal Your Life conference, No Boundaries International
Art Colony and Common Boundaries.
While obtaining a journalism degree from the University of Georgia, Loulie began her
writing career as a journalist for the college newspaper, The Red and Black. She later
studied fine art at The University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and she is currently
pursuing a Master of Fine Arts through The Academy of Art in San Francisco, California.
Loulie’s corporate experience includes working in marketing for Coca-Cola South Pacific
in Sydney, Australia and public relations for The Atlanta Apparel Mart. She and her husband
now own and operate a multi-million dollar real estate investment business.
Loulie’s life purpose combines two decades’ worth of studies with her passions for
family, creativity, the Earth and animals. Her higher calling is to raise kids’ self-esteem
and environmental awareness through creativity. She is using her artistic and writing
skills to develop a forthcoming line of books and tools to help parents “Raise Happy
Kids Who Care.”
For complimentary reports on positive living and parenting, visit: www.Loulie.com.