Louis Brindisi

He also knows family and hope. He had an uncle that was only two years older, and they grew up together, both first generation Americans. This uncle was the first person in the family to go to college, and Louis decided to follow in his shoes.
“Then, he was the first one in the family to go to law school, and I followed him into law school,” Louis boasted.
Brindisi finished law school in 1959 and started practicing in 1960. He worked in the criminal law field for years to get his professional foundation, then decided to specialize in serious injury, product liability, medical malpractice, and has done so for the past 30 years. When it comes to personal injury, there is no trial lawyer more qualified than Louis.
He’s tried various multi-million dollar cases that were not crucial just because of the financials involved, but also because someone’s quality of life was at stake.
But Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman LLP is still a family firm first, even with million-dollar cases to its credit. Louis’s son Anthony and daughter Eva both practice law within the firm. Growing up, Eva would sit in the front row with Louis when he used to go to court. “Ever since then, she always wanted to be a lawyer,” the proud father said.
Anthony Murad, another partner in the firm, is Louis’s cousin, again keeping this active firm rooted in family values. He went to law school, basically because he wanted to emulate Louis.
Louis has tried Murder cases and does not shrink under any pressure while in the courtroom. He does not waver or falter when a victim’s quality of life or justice hangs in the balance.
“I’ve tried every kind of case. I’ve tried murder cases, RICO cases, serious felony cases, misdemeanor cases,” he added. He’s tried them all.
Louis is the lawyer “One L” or first year law students study with landmark case after landmark case under his illustrious belt. His cases make their way into products liabilities books and verdict resources, often influencing other young lawyers to fight for the betterment of their clients’ lives.
In each successful case, Louis claims preparation and hard work are the cause. In fact, he said most cases are won before they enter the courtroom through discovery.
“The more preparation you put in, the better able you are to negotiate with the insurance carrier or convince a jury,” he said.
For his dedication to his craft, there have been many awards and honors bestowed to the Brindisi name. Louis has been named one of the top 100 trial lawyers in New York State by the National Trial Lawyers Association, and named one of the top 3000 Plaintiff Lawyers in America by Law Dragon.
For more information on Louis Brindisi or his firm, visit www.bmbplawyers.com or call 1-800-8LTB-LAW.