Laura Clancy

As writer and creator of the book Wit and Fit®, she also launched Wit and Fit® Baker’s Dozen corporate and group speaking engagements; a system designed to get participants whole health well.
Her newest project is an Internet subscription-based program, Wit and Fit®: The UnMess Kit. This system is designed to create concrete heath transformation for participants. Found at:, this Un-Mess KitTM will be the subscriber’s tool in their ongoing health odyssey, and is based on the underlying philosophy that healthy weight is a lifestyle Journey not a scale Destination. The slogan for this UnMess Kit’s says it all: “When your weight and health are the pits, get this WIT and FIT®: The Un-Mess Kit!”
In another life, Laura counted beans; she holds a B.S. (that’s telling) in Accounting from George Mason University. Before 1999, the only weight that she had ever lifted was a fork fully loaded with sweet food. With her 20th High School Reunion looming, she began weight-lifting with a personal trainer to get to her magic weight. But when the party ended, her High School Crush receded from consciousness and the pounds came back.
Recognizing the short-lived nature of the High School Crush Diet Plan and so many others, Laura got serious and re-toppled her own muffin, leaping from amateur status to professional. By 2009, Laura had become a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Consultant at the National Personal Training Institute. Laura has never looked back and has plenty to share from all she’s learned along the way.
In addition to training others to lift weights and conquer fat, Laura is a competitive power lifter and held six world records at the end of 2012 and 2013. She proudly lifts with Team Force ( As a fitness professional living, loving, and laughing in Northern Virginia, Laura shares stories from her well-stocked humor arsenal to educate, inspire and entertain people everywhere to get healthier through Mindset, Nutrition and physical Fitness.
Laura can be reached at: [email protected]! Feel free to send her an email with your thoughts and dreams!