Kristen Nolan is a professional salsa dancer and NASM certified personal Trainer. She owns a successful Fitness Boot Camp and Personal Training business in San Francisco, CA called "I Luv My Body Fitness." Her company specializes in helping women lose fat, lean and tone tone their bodies, and get healthy.
Kristen started her Personal Training and Salsa Dancing career in her twenties after struggling with her own weight loss battles. Since then she has combined her knowledge from the worlds of fitness and dance to develop her own proven exercise methods and help women reach their ideal figures. She also works closely with a partner to integrate nutrition programs and healthy supplementation for weight loss and maintenance to her clients.
Kristen has placed in the top 3 in several World Salsa Dancing Competitions with her Teams Couture Dance Alliance and Salsamania located in the San Francisco Bay Area. These include 1st Place in the Semi Final Rounds of the World Latin Cup, 2010, 1st place US Salsa Open 2010, 1st Place Roccapulco Salsa Competition 2009, 3rd Place at the ESPN World Salsa Championships in 2006, and 2nd Place in the World Salsa Championships 2005.
To learn more about Kristen Nolan and how you can receive free health and fitness reports from her company, visit www.iluvmybodyfitness.com or
call 1-877-359-3633.