Kip L Carpenter was born on Kodiak Island, Alaska; (Before it was a State); an island known for having the most ferocious brown bears in the world, The Kodiak Brown Bear. His family left Kodiak, just before the Great Alaskan Earthquake and settled in San Jose, CA.
In elementary school, Kip’s parents were getting a divorce and his Mother’s anger boiled over onto him, creating a rough home life. In an attempt to gain approval from his Mother at home, he turned his punishments into accomplishments; practicing 3 instruments 45 minutes daily; reading 50 pages a night; practicing sports at school nightly for years. He ran away from home entering High School, excelling on his own; the pattern of over-excel (prove your worth) was set in Kip’s mind. Accomplishments include; Straight “A’s”; playing 3 Instruments; Speaking 5 Languages; Tournament fighter and Black Belt in Karate; lettering in sports in High School and College.
Every business he joined, he became the leader, achieving #1; whether there were 100 or 350 people there ahead of him. Why is that?
A successful 30+ year journey in business has produced; A Top Sales Producer and Sales Manager; conquering, tangibles and intangibles. In a key executive position he helped build a direct sales company to $1 Billion in annual sales; he’s served on the Presidents Clubs and Key Clubs of the Top Insurance Companies and Mutual Fund Companies in the world, as an annual multi-million dollar producer; and he’s achieved huge success in the Retail marketplace.
What can he share with you? For the last 7 years he has been fixing once highly effective sales teams.
Kip has turned GP margins from Mid-30’s to 50’s. Sales volumes jump immediately 20-40% and sustain on average 8-10+% annually. Monthly production of $400,000 to $1Million per Region times nine Regions; count the amount of money that drops to the bottom line when GP margins jump in this magnitude. No longer are these sales teams off; margins, volume and attitudes are up.
It’s not that these sales teams were ineffective; after all, they were producing 10’s of Millions of dollars in sales annually. However, your sales teams have just come through an economic period of great wealth, ‘The Real Estate Housing Bubble’, where money was abundant through financing and refinancing. Sales during the housing bubble were great everywhere and sales people were added almost without thought, to meet the customer demand.
2007 forward saw a Recession and business slowed, our sales teams are blotted with sales people that shouldn’t be with us. We hired order takers. We need trained sales people… now.
If all Kip could do for you was methodically improve your sales and your sales teams overall effectiveness, would you be interested?
During his spare time, Kip and his wife Chris, of 29 years, spend time with their 4 children. Daughter: Graduate, Vanderbilt University; Son: Graduate, USC Business School; Son: Junior, University of Notre Dame;
Son: Freshman, Stanford University.