Kim LaBreche, CPA, CA has worked with thousands of individuals, entrepreneurs and executors to assist them in with the complexities of tax planning and tax preparation as well as business consulting at all levels from startup to succession.
Kim is passionate about making a difference in the lives of her clients and conducts “business with heart and soul”. Her “Make It Happen” approach ensures that things will get done and her attention to detail in the delivery of her services is appreciated by those who work with her.
LaBreche Consulting is proud to be part of vNacelle, an International Organization. The foundation of our collaborative consulting work is The Entrepreneurial Flight ™ which is the leading business acceleration model integrating the entrepreneur and the enterprise.
9 million of America’s 15 million business owners were born in or before 1964, resulting in one business owner turning 65 every 57 seconds...... Businesses that are $10-$40M are responsible for generating 65% of net jobs in the U.S. ... resulting in a great need for owners to be able to create sustainable business for future generations to come!
To learn more about Kim LaBreche, LaBreche Consulting, how you as an entrepreneur can accelerate your Entrepreneurial Flight ™ or to receive vNacelle’s monthly vAccelerator reports on business, email
[email protected] visit or visit www.labrecheconsulting.com