Kim Chase, CPTS, of Chase Fitness in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada has been involved in fitness her whole life. With experience in varied athletics such as competitive gymnastics, body building, soccer and baseball, equestrian jumping, skiing, Tae Kwon Do and anything else that looked like fun at the moment, Kim has harnessed that energy and passion to help others reach their own physical and mental goals.
Kim spent 10 years in the military, 6 years as an F-18 aircraft mechanic and 4 years as a pilot. In her off time she put her time in at the local fire hall as a firefighter which she continued with in the different locations she resided in. She spent 3 years up the Arctic in Iqaluit, on Baffin Island where she was the first female Chief Inspector for the Nunavut Liquor Commission. After moving back to Thunder Bay, her home town, she became certified in personal training where she worked in a local club. Kim is now an independent personal trainer building her own business. She specializes in weight loss, strength training and corrective mobility. All this is accomplished through one-on-one training, semi-private training, public boot camps and corporate wellness programs.
Her main focus is to get people motivated, strong, eating right and moving functionally through joint and tissue mobility and stability. This equates to healthy living, weight loss and disease reduction. It’s important for her to make her clients understand that a healthy lifestyle will keep them living longer and functioning smoothly into their golden years. So educating them is part of the process of a healthy lifestyle; “I don’t sugar coat things, this is what’s going to happen to you if you continue down this path”, she says. “People need to hear it like it is or they just don’t get it. Too many of us have people around us using the soft approach about our health and don’t want to make waves, well that doesn’t work! Bottom line is that if you are not determined to eat right and exercise, your health will be determined for you – and it’s not a positive outlook.”
Her first-hand experience as a cancer survivor, twice through, has allowed Kim to relate to and deal with people in the same circumstances, knowing that a certain level of fitness is mandatory for expedited recovery and prevention.
Kim is certified through Can-Fit Pro as a Personal Trainer and is also a Certified Coach of The Canadian Gymnastics Federation, and Certified Judging Official in Gymnastics and Track and Field. She has earned herself a gold and silver medal in Tae Kwon Do at the Can Am Games.
Kim believes that inside every person is a dynamic individual that can achieve anything they want when they set their mind to it.
“The mind leads the body, so just tell it to move!”