Kevin Bowling
Kevin Bowling started his fascination with computers at twelve
years of age taking apart and putting computers together. Kevin
attended college to learn the computer and network industry.
This began his career at Intergraph as a Technician, and worked
his way up to a System Engineer. Kevin became a Field Engineer
for Intergraph covering the lower Southeastern United States.
As a natural progression, he shifted his focus into security along with getting
certifications with Microsoft MCSE Security, Cisco CCNA, Linux LPIC-2, Sun Solaris
SCSA, and CompTIA Security+ among others. After gaining the work experience,
Kevin then moved into training as a Microsoft Certified Trainer at Virginia College –
providing training for upcoming engineers.
Kevin Bowling is the owner of Integration, a fast growing and ever-changing IT
Company focused on Security and Managed Services. Kevin, who has a Bachelor’s
degree in Management Information Systems, has over 25 years’ experience in the IT
Kevin started Integration when he saw the need for IT Consulting and Managing
networks for Small to Medium Business. Kevin’s true passion is going into companies,
finding and helping to prevent problems. Whether it’s your current IT or your company,
Kevin just wants to make sure your business has the most up-to-date proactive
solutions needed to keep your business successful in today’s constantly-changing
technology realm.