Ken Marchtaler was born in Vancouver, Canada. He has studied and taught martial arts for more than 20 years. He holds a 4th Degree Black Belt in Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Karate. On his trophy shelf are 2 Gold Medals he won at the 2005 World Martial Games, and a number of lifetime achievement awards. His group of companies, Marchtaler Group includes a martial arts studio in Victoria, Canada as well as a number programs developed for the martial arts community. These include EMPOWERED™ for Children, POW-R-GIRLS™, EMPOWERED™ for Women, Little Warriors®, 30 Minute Warrior® and the concept of Martial Wellness™.
Ken draws his ability to design and instruct programs from his experience in various senior banking positions. He has served as officer/director on a number of non-profit boards, including Chairman of the World Martial Arts Games Committee (WMAGC) and President of the Canadian National Martial Arts Association (CNMAA). He is a regular guest speaker and has made several appearances on radio, international news and television. He has also been featured on the cover of Senior Living Magazine.
When not immersed in other activities, he enjoys writing. As an accomplished writer, Ken’s articles have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world. Ken is also the author of the up and coming book “Little Warriors: The Book of One”.
To learn more about Ken, Martial Wellness™ and how you can access his products, please visit the Marchtaler Group at www.marchtalergroup.com .