Kelly O’Neil, is passionate about helping entrepreneurs think big and play bigger to build thriving six and seven figure businesses. Kelly O’Neil is no stranger to the good life. Having been raised in an affluent family in the Silicon Valley where private planes and luxury vacation homes were a way of life, she set out after college to create her own wealth…and succeeded. Kelly combined her personal experience with her deep expertise in marketing and through extensive research developed the Marketing to Millionaires ™ coaching programs.
A wife and step-mom to 3 little ones and 4 puppies, Kelly lives in the Silicon Valley and is an award-winning author, speaker, and “coachsultant,” and is the owner of UpLevel Strategies, Inc. (now Kelly O’Neil International, Inc.) and Bow Wow Bootcamp, LLC. For the past 9 years, she has worked exclusively with thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs as both a coach and consultant to help them design businesses where they earn more and work less.
Kelly has given thousands of media interviews to outlets that include The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Bloomberg, Associated Press, The New York Times, USA Today, Time, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and even MTV. She also appears regularly as a speaker at professional associations, as well as national and international conferences.
It was through her over 15 years of experience working in leading marketing agencies, emerging technology companies, and Fortune 500 companies (including Epson America, Hitachi Data Systems, Kingston Technologies, and Intuit) where Kelly developed her widespread expertise in advanced business and marketing strategy. At Intuit, she was responsible for launching Quicken 98, 99, and 2000 personal finance software, as well as managing multiple brand building corporate and product public relations programs.
During the dotcom boom, Kelly was recruited by eVoice, Inc, where she successfully repositioned the company to be acquired by Time Warner AOL in 2001. It was at this time that Kelly went out on her own to form the company now known as UpLevel Strategies, where she became the driving force behind the publicity campaign for the P2P company Morpheus in their battle to legalize digital music.
Known for her devotion to excellence, Kelly’s company has won several awards, including the PR Compass Award for Outstanding Public Relations and The ADDY Award for Branding. In addition, her company was named one of the 500 most innovative companies in America by Mega Marketing Guru Seth Godin.