Kay Lam
“Wholistic Wellness Catalyst” Kay Lam is known to help clients get out of annoying health issues. Having journeyed through breast cancer, she has a special interest in helping breast cancer survivors. Kay brings you to wellness with an all-around approach. Her work is thorough, no-nonsense, and shifts you from core to surface.
Kay is the original recipient of Superintelligence Wellness Activation, an effortless technique that strengthens your connection to your inner wise guidance. She received this gift from the universe suddenly on 11/1/11, and affectionately nicknamed it “Show Up, Shut Up, and Get Shifted.” Kay is creator of The Ultimate Health SystemTM – seven keys to long-term health through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance.
Kay came from a conventional family background of western medical and science professionals, but followed her inner calling to venture into alternative healing. She is a Zhi Neng Herb Practitioner, certified under Dr. Zhi Geng Sha. She is also a Soul Coach and Past Life Coach, certified under Denise Linn. Kay has a B.Sc. in geology and physics from the University of Toronto, M.S. in operations research from the University of California at Berkeley School of Engineering. She worked in mainstream society for 23 years, first as a geophysicist with Chevron Canada, then created her own business as a condominium developer and builder, despite being a petite woman not even 5 feet tall and 92 pounds soaking wet.
After a decade walking the spiritual path, late 2007 she journeyed through breast cancer in peace and confidence. Following her lifelong philosophy to seek lasting resolution, she turned her diet upside down within weeks when it was found to be her physical sabotage, then diligently worked on her mental and emotional aspects, which resulted in dramatic improvements to her health and happiness. Kay doesn’t believe we get annoying health issues for no good reason. She operates under the attitude that when the universe whacks her, it means they are priming her for new awareness for her highest good, therefore it is her duty to figure out what she needs to do – and do it now – because life is too short to suffer repeated unpleasant reminders.
Kay hosted a weekly internet radio show for one year, inspiring audiences to explore various psycho-spiritual aspects within themselves for transformation. She was a world competition level art quilter, naturally gifted in the visual arts and home design. Kay was born in Hong Kong, and has lived in Canada for forty years. She calls Calgary, Alberta her home, where she lives with her husband and helps clients around the world via the phone and Internet.
You can learn more about Kay’s work on: www.SuperintelligenceWellness.com
and connect with her at: [email protected] www.facebook.com/kayklam www.twitter.com/kayklam ca.linkedin.com/pub/kay-lam/36/84b/5a8/