Kathryn Thorson Gruhn, MA, CCC-SLP is a Speech-Language Therapist.
When Kathryn was a teenager, her father had a laryngectomy.
Attending his voice therapy with him at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, convinced her that this was the career she wanted. After meeting Mother Theresa in India a few years later, helping others was engraved in her soul.
After finishing her degree at the University of Minnesota – Mankato, Kathryn worked in various school systems for ten years. She earned a Master’s Degree at Appalachian State University in North Carolina, with a Certified Clinical Competence, and worked in clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and developmental day cares for twenty- five more years. Kathryn then opened a private practice, specializing in working with children from birth to seven.
Her most rewarding experience was working in an all-inclusive developmental facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, educational specialists and physicians were part of the team that worked together with parents as partners to help each child reach his/her potential.
Inspired by this experience, Kathryn created the My Baby Compass series, an easy-to- use child development program that helps parents assess and enhance their child’s abilities from birth to seven years of age. Pediatricians love the program because My Baby Compass helps parents document a child’s developmental history and provides coordinating activities to promote growth in speech, language, cognitive, hearing, physical and social/emotional skills. Using this program, a parent can tell quickly if their child is on target for typical development, and if not, what to do to help their child. Parents using this system are seeing advanced speech and language skills and cognitive growth in their child.
Kathryn is known as The Positive Parenting Coach and has appeared on CBS, Fox, and the Discovery Channel. She has published articles in Baby Talk, CNN Health, How to Learn and a number of local newspapers. Kathryn speaks locally and nationally, promoting the empowerment of parents and educators as a team.
She is enjoying her second career from her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. When she isn’t speaking or exhibiting, she is singing, playing her dobro, riding her horse, taking care of her grandchild, writing biographies and telling funny stories.
The My Baby Compass program is available on Amazon.com as a complete kit, Birth to Seven Years, or individually: Birth to Two Years, Two to Four Years, or Four to Seven Years. You can read Kathryn’s helpful parenting blog and follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Linked In.
Here are the links:
Website: www.mybabycompass.com
Blog: www.mybabycompassblog.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mybabycompass
Twitter: @mybabycompass or www.twitter.com/mybabycompass Linked In:
For My Baby Compass information: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2495765
Contact by Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected]