Kate Upchurch is a Certified High Performance Coach (CHPC), Certified Health Coach (CHC) and Certified Hypnotherapist with an emphasis in Conversational Hypnosis (C.HT). Her mission is to work with Women Entrepreneurs, so they have a high performance lifestyle. This includes having a more profitable business and more time for themselves and their families.
Being an entrepreneur for most of her adult life Kate fully understands the struggles and daily challenges women go through both in the workplace and in their personal lives.
As a coach, she assists her clients to discover why they don’t have clarity, energy, productivity and influence in everything they do. She helps them learn to work more efficiently and to see what’s getting in their way and holding them back from having their ideal career and personal lives. She views this as the foundation for a high performance lifestyle.
Then she works diligently with each client on how to, quickly and easily, turn any challenges around. They understand what they need to do to achieve their high performance lifestyle. A life where they feel fully engaged with joy and excitement in everything they do. Where they out perform their history deliberately and consistently to the point where they grow into their ultimate self.
Kate has worked with Entrepreneurial Women with all types of businesses and backgrounds. Her client list includes individuals from 23 countries and 38 US states.
She is President of Wahu Topa, Inc. the parent company of Kate Upchurch Coaching (kateupchurch.com) and Music by Marcey™ (www.musicbymarcey.com). Music by Marcey is an independent music label that has 1000s of healing testimonials. Composer Marcey Hamm’s music has been credited with dramatically changing people’s lives.
Kate would love to hear your success stories and testimonials from the Self-Sabotaging Label Exercise. You can email them to a specific email address set up just for you,
[email protected]
To learn more about Kate Upchurch go to www.kateupchurch.com. Here, you can learn how to get a free more in depth version of her Self Sabotaging Label Exercise. As well as, a hypnosis or guided imagery audio (your choice) that leads you through the exercise. This audio allows you to sit back relax, and let Kate personally walk you through releasing your Self-Sabotaging Label(s). Visit www.kateupchurch.com to get started on your journey today.