Josie Tytus is a Success Alignment Vision Coach and Mentor.
She is the founder of 3C FUSION where leaders and high achievers go to optimize meaning, passion, success and results in their life. Using the concepts of 3C FUSION SUCCESS COACHINGTM as the foundational work, Josie has developed programs and
processes to accelerate desired results for the achievement of meaningful success with absolute joy.
Josie’s background includes working with top-level executives to the entrepreneur. Her training started at the age of 3 as she witnessed her own family business flourish. Along her career path, she has been able to create jobs that never existed and land management positions in industries she had no previous experience in. But what she did consistently is access jobs to fit her lifestyle and swiftly move into positions of leadership.
Her experience encompasses roles as a Product Category Buyer of a National Catalogue chain, Conference Sales Manager for Corporate Events at a prestigious resort, a Retail Manager of a Flagship store, Expanding the Family Business, Advertising Manager of a Business Periodical, and her biggest role bar none – being a mom.
The really tough work began when her twenty-year marriage ended abruptly. Turning fifty, not having a job or a clue as to what to do next, set her on the voyage of her life to discover what she was truly all about. What she discovered would change the trajectory of her life forever.
She uncovered the path and the systems that would take her out of Conflict, Chaos and Confusion into a life of Clarity, Consciousness and Confidence. That’s how 3C FUSION emerged. Now, she guides those who want to live the fulfilled life that welcomes the fullest expression of who they are through Self Leadership.
Josie is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) trained at the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), an NLP Master Practitioner (Neurolinguistic Programming), Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), and Licensed Passion Test FacilitatorTM.
Josie’s mission is to awaken your Vision to what’s possible, identify and ignite your passions, and design a powerful life that takes you to your optimal level of meaningful success.
She publishes Footprints In The SandTM Success Newsletter filled with articles, strategies, tips and tools to inspire you to create a life that you love while being your complete Self.
You can learn more about Josie Tytus and 3C FUSION at: www.3Cfusion.com. Walk with purpose ...