John Miziolek is President and CEO of Reset Branding,
an innovative and strategic branding and design firm
located in Toronto, Canada. From an early age John had
the opportunity to learn about the design industry from
his father, a successful Commercial Artist who worked
with top-tier brands like Wrigley, Molson and Labatt. Coming from a family
of serial entrepreneurs, John has built a highly successful branding firm that
consistently delivers excellent results for clients. John has developed what
he calls “Magnetic Branding”—the simple yet powerful belief that brands
should draw consumers to them rather than talking at them.
Considered by many as a master of strategy and execution, John believes
strongly in the business value of design. He has a proven track record of
building and executing highly successful strategic branding programs. His
expertise is laser-focused on the development of CPG brands. A media
mogul, John is recognized as an expert in the areas of strategic branding,
brand development, naming and innovation and has been featured in USA
Today, named one of America’s Premier Experts, featured on NBC, ABC and
CBS affiliates, starred in History Television’s What’s In a Name? series, been
interviewed by Global News and CBC Radio, and is a guest blogger for Fast
Company, to name a few.
You can reach John at:
[email protected]