Joe Overfield, SR. Vice President of the Financial Planning Division, is a Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisor, with a B.A. in Organizational Communications from The Ohio State University. Joe is one of only 200 advisors in the country who is trained to correctly design the type of policies used for Bank On Yourself. Joe has been the guest speaker at a several Fortune 500 Companies and Non-Profits to discuss Wealth Accumulation and Safe Money. In addition to becoming an Advisor, Joe has been using the Bank On Yourself concept himself since 2004 and he is proud to share with his own clients how they, too, can provide a secure future for themselves and their families. Joe lives in Ohio, with his wife and two daughters.
What Joe says about Bank On Yourself: “I continue to find new reasons to be thankful for all of the benefits the Bank on Yourself concept has offered me. During a previous financial downturn, I was able to borrow money “tax free” from my Bank On Yourself plan, and have since paid myself back plus interest! If someone would ask me if I have any regrets for investing in this program, my answer would be yes. I regret that I did not start investing in the Bank on Yourself system sooner!”
To learn more about Joe and to receive a free special report “How To Avoid The 4 Most Damaging Things That Can Ruin Your Retirement” go to www.eaglefinancialsolutions.com.