Joe MacMunn has always had a curious mind and driving desire to understand how things work. It suited him perfectly as he achieved his degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and through obtaining his MBA from Northeastern University. Joe’s true calling was not in the engineering
field. In 2001, he was compelled to go where he felt he could do the most good for people and that was the start of MacMunn Financial Management.
Today, Joe is a Retirement Expert and Registered Investment Advisor. Realizing the importance of helping people prepare and organize for retirement—from an early age—is a driving force for him. His specialties include: retirement income, wealth preservation, and estate planning. With the use of his G.P.S. (Guided Planning System) Joe has helped hundreds of individuals successfully plan for their retirement. His life experiences have taught him to be more conservative in nature and that helps give him the perfect perspective for his clients. His wife is also an intricate part of the business.
Education is something that Joe is extremely passionate about. He firmly believes in the studies that indicate how a college degree can lead to from one million to two million more in lifetime income. That’s why another major focus in his business is on helping parents prepare for their children’s future by setting up smart college funding options, as well as learning how to navigate through the complicated financial aid process more effectively.
Joe’s expertise in helping people close the gap about retirement questions and options has made him a professional in the industry who is constantly sought out by local and national media. He has appeared on The Today Show, is heard on Money Matters Radio, and has written for The Boston Globe, The Worcester Telegram, and The MetroWest News. Now, Joe can also add “author” to that list.
One of Joe’s greatest gifts in life are his two daughters, who are actually young ladies now. Not only are they a joy to have in his life, but they are also motivators for Joe’s belief that a parent who wants to leave a legacy for their child can leave that legacy. Joe has also dedicated his time to volunteering for the Special Olympics and raising money for Leukemia awareness—two activities spurred on by his daughter with Down’s Syndrome. A fitness enthusiast and adventure lover, Joe also enjoys opportunities to travel to some of the greatest cities in the United States, as well as to more tropical locations such as St. Lucia and Jamaica. Joe shows everyone that a little planning can go a long way!