Jim Keaty

Jim is dedicated to making the real estate industry in Louisiana transparent and respected, working with the local and state Realtor Associations. In 2006, he received the Realtor Association of Acadiana President’s Award and was nominated and awarded as one of The Times of Acadiana’s “Best” Realtors in Lafayette in 2010. In 2012, Jim was the recipient of the Exponential Growth Award from Kinder Reese, and was recognized as one of the “Best” Realtors in Lafayette as well as having his agency named one of the “Best” Real Estate Companies. He was also awarded “Best Realtor” in Lafayette in 2012-2013 by Locals Love Us.
Jim is actively involved in the community he serves, from 2005-2009, he participated with Rebuilding Together, providing repairs and maintenance for low-income homeowners. In 2007, he served as President of the Faith House women’s shelter and that same year was selected as a“Twenty under Forty” by Daily Advertiser, which recognizes outstanding young business leaders.
What does Jim love best about being an accomplished realtor – it is not the accolades and awards, but the unique challenges he faces everyday and creating deals, where everyone walks away smiling.