Jean R. Lanoue helps her clients maneuver through the ever- changing digital world. As a small business owner herself, she understands the many hats that a business owner wears. She started her first business in her twenties and has been helping businesses grow ever since.
Jean has been utilizing social media channels to generate blog traffic by building trust and loyalty, even before social media was cool (2007). She started working in the digital marketing field to gain knowledge about marketing her own business. She learned very quickly that there was a lot of information being shared about how to market online, but not many agencies wanted to help accomplish the tasks. She continued taking every available course and getting her certifications. Then her blog became more and more successful. As she talked about the opportunities that had come her way, people started asking for help. Thriving on helping other businesses grow, Jean decided to help them – including medical practices and law firms – to market their message and brand using digital media.
Jean R. Lanoue is the founder of The Social Jeanie and Digital Marketing Genie. She has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and has owned several successful businesses. She is also a business professional with more than 20 years of experience doing marketing, training, accounting and management in the corporate world. She is an author, a national speaker and has been recognized as one of America’s PremierExperts®. She is a Cydec, Google & Constant Contact Partner and holds a certification in Inbound Marketing.
Traditional marketing is broken. Buyers are taking control. They’re tuning out old- school marketing that’s impersonal. The true power of digital marketing comes from your ability to create a community based around your company, medical practice or law firm and engage in digital conversations with your customers, clients or patients. Social media is a powerful tool when combined with other inbound marketing tools such as email and call-to-action offers on powerful landing pages. However, digital marketing does take time – that’s something that’s frequently in short supply for many business owners. Realizing the pressure and time constraints that business owners were under, Jean created a done-for-you service. Her company manages your complete digital presence for you, to help your business grow by providing quality, relevant content, and engaging over the social media networks and your blog; so you can spend your time managing your business, medical practice or law practice. Jean and her team work together with you to build a powerful digital marketing campaign for your company, focusing on ROI. They customize strategies based on your needs and objectives after a thorough evaluation. They learn about you and your business first. Then, find your potential customer on the best online channels.
You can connect with Jean at:
[email protected] https://www.facebook.com/SocialJeanie https://www.facebook.com/digitalmktggenie https://plus.google.com/+Socialjeanie https://plus.google.com/+Digitalmarketinggenie http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanrlanoue/ https://twitter.com/SocialJeanie linkedin.com/company/digitalmarketinggenie