Janet Fouts helps clients realize their marketing goals for social media engagement using mindful business practices to stay focused, build thought leadership and get fantastic, measurable results. She’s been an active digital marketer since she created her first website way back in 1993, and she’s been in love with
the tech world ever since.
Her background as a chef in the fine restaurants of San Francisco led Janet to co- found one of the first venture-backed online communities for the restaurant industry in 1996 which won many awards for design and storytelling, and she was lauded as one of the top business women in San Francisco by San Francisco’s Business Times. Ever since, she’s dedicated her business savvy to nurturing online community through a variety of social networks, websites and blogs. She and her company have received many awards. Most recently she was listed as one of the top 50 Marketing Thought Leaders Over 50 by Brand Quarterly Magazine and one of the top 100 Giving Influencers on Twitter by Give Local America.
She has been quoted in USA Today, Forbes Magazine, and Thought Leader Life and her writing is syndicated on several business-to-business magazines online, including Business2Community and Social Media Today. She has authored 4 books on social media marketing and her 5th is due out in July 2015.
Janet is CEO of Tatu Digital Media, a social media marketing agency in Silicon Valley, serving brands from social good organizations like Human Journey, co-founded by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, to tech startups and Fortune 50 corporations.
Janet is respected as a corporate trainer on all things social media, and conducts seminars around the world on the “nuts and bolts” of how to make social media part of the company’s marketing program. She is a frequently requested speaker at international conferences on business, making social media approachable with actionable tips attendees can put right to use. Janet hosts a video podcast show available on YouTube, Spreaker and iTunes.
Connect with Janet at:
[email protected] JanetFouts.com TatuDigital.com Twitter.com/Jfouts Linkedin.com/in/JanetFouts MindfulSocialMarketing.com