Genevieve Kohn, also known as the “Yes I Can Coach,”™ is a
best-selling author, success coach and public speaker who writes,
coaches and gives workshops with her online, at-home business
and all over the United States, sharing her experience and expertise,
as well as teaching others how to create the lives of their
dreams. She has developed a system called Parent-Goals™ for parents who are
also entrepreneurs. This system helps parents balance their family and work lives so
they can take care of themselves, their families AND build their fortunes while helping
With the simplicity of the Parent-GOALS™ system, parents have a clear roadmap to
their destinations that also reminds them to enjoy the journey.
To learn more about Genevieve Kohn, The Yes I Can Coach™ and how you can receive
the free, special report, “Finding Your Own Happiness with Mom-GOALS” (can be
used by dads too), visit www.triadsuccesscoaching.com or www.genevievekohn.com.