Frank Bravata specializes in assisting his clients to achieve
maximum productivity and profitability from their technology
investments. This is accomplished by eliminating frustrating
technology headaches, and continuously researching, designing,
and implementing the best technology solutions available.
Being interested in computers and electronics from a young age, Frank naturally
gravitated to the technology industry. Frank began his professional career in the US
Army, training at Fort Gordon, GA (the home of the Army’s Signal Corps – the largest
communications/electronics facility in the free world). Upon graduation from training
and earning the designation of Signal Support Specialist, Frank spent the next 6 years
working for the 78th Division of the US Army, helping to oversee the IT infrastructure
of the entire Division.
Upon the completion of his military contract, Frank then took his skills to the private
sector, working as an outsourced IT consultant for such notable companies as the
Partnership for a Drug Free America in New York City and Panasonic USA in Torrance,
California. It was working at these companies, as well as at hundreds of other small
and medium-sized businesses on the West and East coasts, that Frank began to
notice a particularly disturbing trend. Often called in to clean up other company’s’
failed and stalled projects, Frank realized that far too many technology firms lacked
the centralized standards that Frank had grown accustomed to in the military. These
projects were often done on a whim with a noticeable lack of oversight and planning,
leaving many businesses with blown budgets and less than optimal results. After
working under these conditions for almost 4 years, Frank decided to make a change.
In early 2009, Frank started New Millennium Technology Services, a managedservices
provider located on Long Island, New York. The goal was simple: to provide
local businesses unparalleled technology support while drawing upon his military
experience to assist his clients in bringing military-like discipline to their IT projects
and procedures. The result has been nothing short of spectacular. His clients enjoy
systems that are agile and protected, allowing their businesses to excel in their
particular industries.
In early 2012, New Millennium was the recipient of a Business Achievement award
by the HIA (one of the largest regional trade associations in the country). That same
year, CompTIA (the Computer Trade Industry Association) named New Millennium
Technology Services as the first Long Island-based recipient of the Managed Services
Provider Trustmark. This certification is awarded to those companies that demonstrate a strict adherence to the managed services model as well as industry best practices
in the areas of customer service, documentation, and data safety.
You can connect with Frank at:
[email protected]