Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams is the Owner and Head Personal Trainer
for Precision Fitness. He has been involved in the fitness
world for over eleven years. He began training prior to going
to Northeastern State University, where he received a Bachelor’s
Degree in Finance. After he graduated and began work in
the corporate setting, Dustin lost focus on health and wellness
– which in turn caused him to gain 40+ pounds. He realized he not only needed
to change his habits, but that he also couldn’t imagine not helping others to do the
same. He went back to school and received both his IBFA certification and is an NSCA
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. Now he has lost 50 pounds and continues
to focus on his nutritional education and knowledge. He has attended one of
the most prestigious boot camp training sessions in Las Vegas, and has also trained
with 4 X Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler. Dustin has currently been training clients full-time
for over 5 years, and has helped many lose weight, gain muscle, and achieve their
goals. People know Dustin as a focused individual and that he is someone who will
help them achieve their goals… no matter what it takes. In addition to personal
training, Dustin also currently is the Regional Head Judge for Natural Bodybuilding
Precision Fitness is North West Arkansas’s Premier Fitness Boot Camp for men AND
women of all walks of life and delivers the best Personal Training in the area! It serves
to help Bentonville residents look and feel better than ever with 30-Minute EXPRESS
group metabolic workouts for busy men AND women! Precision Fitness is also a
member of the Fitness Revolution Franchise.
To Connect with Dustin:
(479) 273-5707