Kenneth H. Cohn is an internationally recognized thought leader in physician-hospital relations. The author of Better Communication for Better Care and Collaborate for Success, Ken serves as a resource for hospitals and health systems that need to engage their physicians to improve performance.
He is a board-certified general surgeon who obtained his M.D. degree from Columbia College of Physicians Medical School, completed his residency at the Harvard-Deaconess Surgical Service. He was Assistant Professor of Surgery at SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn and later moved to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center as Associate Professor of Surgery and Chief of Surgical Oncology at the VA Hospital at White River Junction.
With the change in the medical economic climate, Dr. Cohn entered the MBA program of the Tuck School at Dartmouth and graduated June 1998. He worked initially as a consultant at Health Advances, assisting 6 firms to commercialize new products. After joining the Cambridge Management Group in 1999, he led change-management and clinical priority setting initiatives for physicians at affiliated hospitals within the Yale New Haven, Banner Colorado, Cottage Santa Barbara, and Sutter Sacramento Health Systems.
In 2006, Dr. Cohn founded HealthcareCollaboration.com to help healthcare professionals improve care for their communities by working more interdependently.
Dr. Cohn remains clinically active, covering surgical practices in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. He has been mentoring physicians in leadership development since 1999, finding that physicians enjoy learning from fellow physicians.
Dr. Cohn’s writing experience includes over 45 published articles in peer-reviewed healthcare journals. His article, “The Tectonic Plates Are Shifting: Cultural Change vs. Mural Dyslexia,” won the Dean Conley Award in 2009 from the American College of Healthcare Executives for the best article in a healthcare management publication.
Dr. Cohn is the editor of The Business of Healthcare, a three-volume set, published in 2008 that comprises practice management, leading healthcare organizations, and improving systems of care. He is also the editor of Improving Physician-Hospital Relations: A Field-Tested System, a multimedia distance-learning program helps hospital leaders engage physicians to improve care, improve operating room productivity, deal with disruptive physicians, and implement cutting-edge physician recruiting and retention strategies.
He blogs on topics related to healthcare collaboration at http://healthcarecollaboration.com/blog and on strategies and tactics for disgruntled doctors at http://thedoctorpreneur.com.