Dr. Inga Zemite is doctor specializing in treatment of scalp skin and hair diseases. She is leading and well known specialist in her field in Latvia. Since 1997 when she started her practice she has become leading expert in her country and even patients from other European countries are coming for advises here. Besides she is general practitioner and often appears on national TV, radio and different magazines and journal giving advises about hair treatments, healthy living and explaining the course of diseases. She founded Latvian Hair Doctors association and is leading member of it nowadays. Her opinion about hair diseases is highly recognized between other specialists in the field.
She founded practice for hair patients in the centre of Riga. All patients coming are carefully examined using special system of questionnaire, clinical examination and appropriate medical investigations. This system leads to accurate understanding of reason of hair loss and helps adapt suitable treatment for every single patient. Using scientific attitude against the problem helps her to fight for patient wellbeing successfully.
Every time she is looking for new and updated treatment methods. She introduced hair loss such worldwide known methods as treatment of alopecia areata with contact allergens and mesotherapy for hair grow in Latvia. The natural treatments and even ayurvedic medicines are used in appropriate ways in her practice as well. The mix of traditional and nontraditional medicines makes treatment more and more effective. But the most valuable thing is long term practice of the doctor, her constant attempts to find out the newest and most effective treatments for hair problem and looking for logic behind all she is doing.
To learn more about Inga Zemite and find out the way to ask her questions about your hair problem you can contact her through www.skype.com (JUMED (Latvia, Riga)) or call +371 67 277887.