Dr. Carolyn Anderson is an expert in managing energy levels. With
her medical training, extensive research, personal experience and
entrepreneurial background, she self-developed the Energy Management
Using the Energy Management System herself has allowed her to run her surgical practice,
private surgery clinic, medical consulting business, a real estate development project,
speak professionally and publish an online magazine for active older adults.
Carolyn regularly blogs on her own website (CarolynAndersonMD.com) and contributes
articles to other websites including the Huffington Post. She publishes an online
magazine for active older adults at Impowerage.com and co-authored, It’s Never Too
Late to Be Fit -- an exercise guide for the aging population.
She is currently working on a full-length book on Energy Management. She regularly
gives speeches on Energy Management to entrepreneurs, women’s groups and physicians.
Using the Energy Management system allows these busy groups to improve
their work/life balance and succeed professionally. As a medical consultant, Carolyn
helps physicians run more effective practices. This allows them to maximize their
earnings while minimizing their time at work.
Carolyn lives near Vancouver, BC with her husband and son. To learn more
about Carolyn and the Energy Management System, please visit her website at
www.CarolynAndersonMD.com. Newsletter subscribers will receive a free report on
“10 Essential Steps for High Energy.” Carolyn is available for speaking engagements,
teleseminars and one-on-one coaching.