Doug Traylor is the President and Co-Founder of VIP Insurance Group as well as the founder of ROE1.com, a consulting company. Doug is a financial product designer, distributor, marketer, collaborator and consultant. In addition to entrepreneurship, Doug is dedicated to education, writing and speaking on the
topic of personal growth.
Over the past twenty years Doug has worked with millionaires, billionaires, celebs, pro athletes, politicians, and professors. He has been endorsed by professional associations and contracted by top Banks to provide training and product to their financial advisors.
“The greatest title I’ve ever had is Daddy. I have found that people don’t follow titles; they follow people willing to risk the lead. My daily battles are: procrastination, focus, fears of failure, fear of great success, not being a morning person, how well did I ‘show up’? and how full is the glass?”