Donna Rippley is an accredited coach who assists individuals
searching for a fulfilling career in line with their gifts and passions.
She’s a member of International Coach Federation (ICF), the
coaching industry’s top professional organization. Donna has been
seen on NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox affiliates around the country.
Donna holds a master’s degree in Education and has a 20-year background in
education and public school administration. She has taught at the university level at
several institutions. Throughout her career in education, Donna conducted numerous
leadership development training sessions for public school administrators. As she
became more and more passionate about helping people define and reach their
goals, Donna discovered and began to learn about the world of coaching, leading
ultimately to her own career transition.
Donna is the owner/president of Best Next U. She has received training in executive
and business coaching and has coached other coaches in several countries. Donna
conducts both one-on-one and small group coaching sessions as well as speaking
engagements. She also organizes and leads reinvention retreats. She’s the author of
Reinvention From the Heart, a forthcoming book featuring the stories of individuals
whose career transitions have transformed their lives. The book has an accompanying
guide designed to help people discover their “best fit” career transition.