Celebrity Therapist Dominic Knight is one of the UK’s most
recognised and highly credited Clinical Hypnotherapists and NLP
Master Practitioners, providing relief to those suffering from lifealtering
conditions. Knight has devised The Knight System a
breakthrough method of influencing and re-programming the subconscious mind in
record time while generating automatic behavioral change.
Knight’s famous Harley Street clinic has treated a vast number of extreme phobias
to crippling addictions. He has helped hundreds of people each year to put their lives
back on track and return to the normality that so many take for granted.
With a career that continues to grow, Dominic’s achievements have earned him
coveted appearances on FOX, CBS as well as ABC and national press coverage
in The Times & The Gaurdian. Knight has also assisted Channel 4’s BAFTA award
winning Embarrassing Bodiesteam, curing a chronic agoraphobic woman of her life
consuming fear.
Aside from his achievements within the world of media, Knight is heavily involved
with the performance enhancement of professional athletes and executives inside of
The Metropolitan Police, IBM, JP Morgan, HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, The Royal
College of Surgeons, and key individuals inside the entertainment industry.
Determined to work to the best of his ability, Dominic has read over four hundred
books and studies continuously to expand his knowledge of how to remove fears and
addictions and also the art of getting the best out of people, helping them to realize
their innate potential.
Whether his challenge is to cure panic attacks, fear of public speaking, eating disorders
or simply enhance human potential, Dominic offers the highest level of help and
understanding possible, providing a cure to some of the most complex and unimaginable
psychological conditions.
Dominic’s Achievements: Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnotherapy, Licensed
Trainer of NLP and Hypnotherapy, Recognized by The General Hypnotherapy
Register (GHR), Validated by The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC)
Interesting cases, in record time after a 1hr 30min session:
1. Turned a former anorexic to catwalk model
2. A young man with no sales background breaks a 19-year record
inside of 6 months
3. A rower becomes the worlds fastest rower that year, after only
one session
4. Chronic agoraphobic of 30 years cured
5. Theatrical Actress lands lead role
6. An Injured martial artist becomes a champion when 3 months earlier
doctors said he would never be able to train again.
7. Paralyzed from the waist down for the past 6 months a girl comes in a
wheel chair, during the session her leg begins to move, by the time she
reaches home she is walking.
8. 7 year old boy overcomes fear of flying